Sunday, September 6, 2009

Labor Day

So I plan on staying out until London open on Tuesday. To risky to trade on low volume days. No point in giving money away.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


So, Im riding the Yen train down. My entry at 93.30 is still paying out nicely. I want to talk about why i got in on it.

  1. Day trendwall break. We broke a day trendwall and the hook was happending right when the 2hr BB was hit. It was not a D2, which is why i stayed out of the trade with some of my other accounts that I trade. There was also an annoucement that caused the hook to.
  2. 2hr BB. The stop was pretty small, think it was 50 pips. The annoucement allowed me to put in a great cost avg spot at 93.30 with a 17 pip stop.